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Post-Anaphylaxis Reminders

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TRACE Post-Anaphylaxis Reminders

Post-Anaphylaxis Reminders

Experiencing anaphylaxis, or an allergic reaction, often results in increased anxiety, new worries, and a growing sense of uncertainty. Sometimes these feelings show up immediately, or they may surface after a period of time. 

It’s important to understand that these thoughts and feelings are normal post-reaction, but it doesn’t mean that you’ll always feel that way. 

Below are reminders and tips to help you on the path to regain confidence after a reaction.

T.R.A.C.E. - Time/Trust, Routine, Allergist, Compassion, Education 

  • Time/Trust: It can take time (sometimes months) to regain a healthy balance with fear after a reaction and to rebuild trust in food allergy knowledge, others and even yourself.
  • Routine: Aim to get back to normal routines as soon as possible. Get back-to-basics with food allergy safety routines to help regain and rebuild confidence again.
  • Allergist: With your board-certified allergist, review the reaction and problem solve or adjust safety protocols. Be sure to ask your allergist any questions you may have to ensure you’re receiving accurate information. If your child had the reaction, encourage them to create a list of questions, as well.
  • Compassion: Be patient and have compassion for your child (and yourself). Use relaxation tools to help decrease anxiety. Reach out to a licensed clinical  counseling or psychology professional if extra support is needed.
  • Education: Revisit food allergy education basics. There may be knowledge gaps - especially for those diagnosed as a child and/or with no memory of previous reactions. Explore basic anxiety concepts with your child to educate on the physical and emotional aspects of worry.

Download FAACT's Post-Anaphylaxis Reminders poster

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