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Creative Ways To Celebrate Valentine's Day with Your Family
by Caroline Moassessi, FAACT Vice President of Community Relations
Family life is one of the most precious things we have. It is the heart...

Closing the Gap on K-12 Accommodations
Closing the Gap on K-12 Accommodations
by Caroline Moassessi, FAACT Vice President of Community Relations
Leaving your K-12 child in the care of a school district can be one of the most complex part...

Allergy-Safe Recipes for Busy Parents
As a parent, you’re no stranger to the demands of everyday life—between school drop-offs, extracurriculars, work schedules, and everything else that keeps your household running, your days are always ...

Holiday Guide for Parents with Allergic Children
The holidays are a time for joy, celebration, and making memories with family and friends. But as a parent of a child with food allergies, you may wonder how to balance all the excitement with the nee...

Tips for Traveling with Food Allergies
Are you feeling anxious about traveling with food allergies as the holiday season approaches? As we head into peak travel time, having a plan in place is more important than ever.
Navigating airports, ...

Making Holiday Memories With the Food Allergy Pivot
Whether you are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or simply time off this winter, the season is perfect for creating cherished memories. Ho...

FAACT’s Disaster Resource Center: Managing Food Allergies During a Disaster & Key Tips for Preparedness
As recent disasters like Hurricanes Helene and Milton have shown, natural events can strike unexpectedly, turning everyday life upside down in an instant. For families managing food allergies, these s...

Don’t let food allergies hold you back from enjoying social gatherings. Attend with confidence, you are not alone in wanting to make the most of those moments!

Mental Health and Managing Chronic Allergies
That's why it's so important to acknowledge the toll that food allergies can take on your mental health. You deserve to feel supported, not just in managing your symptoms but also in coping with the e...

12 Tips to Have a Safe Halloween
Halloween is a time of excitement and adventure for many kids, filled with the thrill of dressing up, going trick-or-treating, and indulging in sweet treats. However, for children with allergies, this...