

Section 504 Resources

Section 504 Publications

OCR Cases

  • OCR Letter to Zirkel (PDF) – This letter states that the “reasonable accommodation’ standard does not apply to Section 504 accommodations.  (The appropriate standard is that accommodations should be designed to meet the “individual need” of the student to an equal extent as the needs of students without disabilities.  See Section 504 FAQ 14.)
  • Gloucester County VA Public Schools (OCR 2007) (PDF) – The OCR addresses whether the denial of a 504 plan to student who has an severe, life-threatening peanut allergy, which was supported by documentation from her physician, is a violation of Section 504.
  • Memphis TN City Schools – The OCR addresses whether the school district was appropriately identifying and evaluating children with Individual Health Care Plans for 504 eligibility.
  • Memphis TN City Schools Resolution Letter 
  • Irvine (CA) Unified Sch. Dist., 9 IDELR 883 (OCR 1993) - The OCR addresses whether a PTA is required to provide accommodations to a diabetic student under Section 504.
  • Etiwanda (CA) Elementary School District (PDF) – The OCR addresses whether the school properly implemented the student’s 504 plan regarding the presence of allergen-containing foods in the classroom.  The OCR also addresses the school’s 504 evaluation procedures were adequate and whether the school district provided the student’s parents with appropriate notice of their procedural safeguards. 

OCR Complaints