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Ableist Language That Can Cause Offense

Inclusion efforts are evolving at record rates. It is important to stay on track and support all diverse communities the best way we can by being open to learning. When we use ableist language as metaphoric norms especially in negative ways, we diminish the importance of recognizing those with mental, intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities, and other disorders. 

The language below is not inclusive of all terms that cause offense; however, it is a start to help support you in your journey to being kinder and more inclusive.

Download FAACT's Ableist Language handout.



retarded/RETARD/short bus

Could cause hurt to those with intellectual disabilities.


Could cause hurt to those with psychological disabilities.  


Could cause hurt to people with neurological disorders like cerebral palsy and others.  

head case/mental case 

Could cause hurt to those with psychological and mental health disabilities or disorders. Using this term can be insulting and harmful.  

dumb/deaf & dumb/falling on Deaf Ears

Could cause hurt to people who are hearing impaired, deaf, speech impaired, or may have communication disabilities or disorders.


Could cause hurt to those with physical disabilities or mobility issues.

feeble minded

Could cause hurt to those with mental health, intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities or other disabilities like dementia or Alzheimer’s. 


Could cause hurt to those with intellectual disabilities.

ocd / ADD / ADHD

Could cause hurt to those with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which are real disorders many manage.

whack job/nut case

Could cause hurt to those with intellectual or mental health disabilities or disorders.  


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