
Food Allergy Awareness Initiatives

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How to Request A Mayoral/Governor Proclamation for FAAW

Food Allergy Awareness Week (FAAW) provides a unique opportunity to help raise awareness of food allergies and anaphylaxis. Each of us works in our own way to raise awareness of food allergies and anaphylaxis. When we all work together and focus our efforts over the course of one week, it amplifies our message and reaches many more people than any one of us could do alone. Thanks to your energy and dedication, this event continues to grow each year, increasing the reach of our public awareness and education efforts. There are many ways you can get involved. One way that you can get involved is by getting a Mayoral/Governor proclamation for FAAW. This toolkit will provide you with all the resources you may need to have your Mayor/Governor proclaim May 12-18, 2024, as Food Allergy Awareness Week in your city and/or state.

What is a Mayoral/Governor Proclamation?

Proclamations are typically issued by a Mayor to recognize the importance of a community event, achievements by community members, or to signal a City’s role in significant events. Proclamations may be read at a City Council meeting, or at a community event, depending on the schedule of the Mayor. Proclamations are often posted on the City’s website. Original signed proclamations will be provided to the requesting party (sometimes must be received in person at City offices).

Why request a Mayoral/Governor Proclamation in your City/State?

Proclamations are the official recognition that the Mayor’s/Governor’s office cares about residents with food allergies. It shows support to all the residents that this is an issue that matters and that the Mayor/Governor recognizes the serious nature of the condition. A proclamation can lead to attention in the press and may influence consideration when it comes to policy making with regards to food allergy. It also provides a way to:

  • Opportunity to meet/greet/photo with your Mayor/Governor and/or other City representation.
  • Become a FAAW Ambassador to your City and help establish Food Allergy Awareness Week as a locally and nationally recognized event.
  • Help your City increase awareness regarding food allergy, supporting the food allergy community.
  • Get your City/State government more involved in local causes.

What Food Allergy Awareness Week will offer your City/State:

  • The chance for citizens to become more aware and get involved in state, community, and local causes.
  • Build and strengthen partnerships across sectors.

In this toolkit, you will find:

  • Steps to request a Mayoral/Governor Proclamation
  • Sample outreach email
  • Sample Mayoral/Governor Proclamation for Food Allergy Awareness Week
  • Sample Press Release

Steps to Request a Mayoral/Governor Proclamation for Food Allergy Awareness Week

1.    On your city/state’s official website, you may find directions on how to request a proclamation. Some may even have a direct link, web address or steps to follow for their process. If this is not available, send an email to your Mayor’s office. Contact information for your Mayor should be listed on the site. We have provided a sample email in this tool kit for you.

2.    Request proclamation in advance in order to be completed and received by a specific date.

3.    Many times, offices may request a sample draft of the proclamation. We also have a sample in the tool kit as well.

4.    You also might consider requesting a photo opportunity when the Mayor actually signs the proclamation or presenting the document to the public or directly to you as the representative requesting the proclamation. It would be great to invite other FAAW supporters in your community to take part as well.

5.    If your Mayor grants your request, share your story with your local media. It is a wonderful opportunity to spread awareness even further. Create a press release to send to your media outlets in television, press and radio. We have created a template for your press release as part of this kit.

6.    FAAW ambassadors who spearhead the action to receive a Mayoral Proclamation in their City are welcome to display the official Proclamation in their organization. Let us know about your success! Share your achievement with the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Connection Team so we can help you spread the word about your achievement and your City’s involvement!

7.    Repeat the above steps to request your Governor’s Proclamation in your state.

Teal Love

May is Food Allergy Awareness Month!

FAACT’s Celebrating Teal Moments
Food Allergy Awareness Campaign

We are proud to share #CelebratingTealMoments for our Food Allergy Awareness Month campaign for 2024!

We're masters at holding uncomfortable conversations; we can read the smallest of print on a food label. We pre-plan, pre-pack, and prepare for each day of the year. We bake, cook, host allergen-friendly gatherings, love our family, and show up for our fellow parents, caregivers, and all people with food allergies. We giggle, laugh, cry, and find solutions when the situation looks bleak. Are we superhumans doing amazing things? No. This is us #CelebratingTealMoments.

May is our time to celebrate and joyfully raise food allergy awareness in our cities and states. Let's show the nation how we love people with food allergies by 'Celebrating Teal Moments' during Food Allergy Awareness Month. Share your passion by updating your social media profiles or covers with our graphics below - and let #CelebratingTealMoments shine from your heart into the community.

Facebook, X, & LinkedIn Cover Photos:

Facebook, Instagram, X Profile Photos:

Sharing pics online? Tag us at @FAACTnews on FacebookX (formerly known as Twitter)InstagramThreads, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, and YouTube to share your photos #CelebratingTealMoments.

Check out our page below for more fun activities you can do to celebrate, educate, and raise awareness all month and year-round.

  • Could you offer educational materials to your child’s school or sports team?
  • Create heartfelt notes of gratitude for teachers, friends, and family?
  • Reach out to local media to inspire a segment about food allergies?
  • Or raise funds to expand awareness in your community?

Let’s show communities across the country that #CelebratingTealMoments is our way of life!

Happy Food Allergy Awareness Month!

Sample Outreach Email

The following email offers ideas and language you can use as part of your outreach to your Mayor for FAAW. Feel free to copy, paste or adjust as you see fit for your organization as you communicate about your involvement with Food Allergy Awareness Week 2022.


Dear __________,

This year, May 12-18, 2024, [NAME OF LOCAL SUPPORT GROUP] and Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Connection Team (FAACT) are part of a local and national call to action that will spread awareness and understanding regarding Food Allergies. Food allergy is an immune system response to a food the body mistakenly believes is harmful. This sometimes results in anaphylaxis, a serious allergic reaction that comes on quickly and has the potential to become life-threatening. When a person with food allergy eats the food, his or her immune system releases massive amounts of chemicals, including histamine, that trigger a cascade of symptoms that can affect the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal tract, the skin, and/or the cardiovascular system. There are approximately 32 million Americans, including 6 million children, affected by food allergies.

U.S. Mayors, Governors, City Councils and other elected officials around the country have supported food allergy awareness in their area. Even the White House also publically supported Food Allergy Awareness Week.

As a Food Allergy Awareness Week supporter from the City/State of _____________, we would like to respectfully request that the City/State of ___________ officially proclaim May 12-18, 2024 as Food Allergy Awareness Week. Your support in endorsing FOOD ALLERGY AWARENESS WEEK, will increase community awareness about food allergies. In doing so, you will help educate schools, restaurants and the residence of our city on the seriousness of this potentially life-threatening medical condition.

FAACT’s Food Allergy Awareness Week campaign provides a framework and ideas for people to choose their own best way to contribute to their communities and will provide the citizens of _____________ with an opportunity to spread awareness. [INSERT HOW YOUR SG INTENDS ON PARTICIPATING]

For additional information, please visit our website at It would truly be an honor to have the City/State of __________ formally proclaim Food Allergy Awareness Week in support of the food allergic families within our community. Thank you for considering our request.


May 12-18, 2024

Food Allergy Awareness Week provides a unique opportunity to help raise awareness of food allergies and anaphylaxis. Each of us works in our own way to raise awareness of food allergies and anaphylaxis. When we all work together and focus our efforts over the course of one week, it amplifies our message and reaches many more people than any one of us could do alone.

Thanks to your energy and dedication, this event continues to grow each year, increasing the reach of our public awareness and education efforts. There are many ways you can get involved this year.

Download our FAACT's Food Allergy Awareness Week Proclamation Kit (PDF). This toolkit will provide you with all the resources you may need to have your Mayor/Governor proclaim May 12-18, 2024, as Food Allergy Awareness Week in your city and/or state. Visit our FAAW Proclamation page for more details.

If you participate in any of our awareness initiatives below and want to send your tax-deductible donations to us, please mail a check made out to FAACT and send to:

c/o (the name of the awareness initiative below)
P.O. Box 511
West Chester, OH 45071

If you want to send us a donation online, please visit our Donate page. Click on "Other", enter the amount, and enter the name of the awareness initiative in the "Reason" box. 

FAACT thanks you for your support in raising awareness on behalf of all individuals affected by food allergy and life-threatening anaphylaxis!

(Sample) Food Allergy Awareness Week Proclamation
May 12-18, 2024

WHEREAS, Food Allergy Awareness Week was established as a national week of encouraging food allergy awareness and supporting those who are impacted by food allergies and anaphylaxis; and

WHEREAS, Food allergies affect approximately 32 million Americans, including 6 million children; and

WHEREAS, the prevalence of food allergies appears to be increasing among children under the age of 18, which is 2 students in every classroom; and

WHEREAS, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), between 1997 and 2011, the prevalence of food allergies rose 50 percent and

WHEREAS, nine foods account for 90 percent of all food allergy reactions: Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Milk, Egg, Wheat, Soy, Fish, Shellfish, and Sesame.

WHEREAS, a food allergy is an immune system response to a food the body mistakenly believes is harmful. When a person with food allergy eats the food, his or her immune system releases massive amounts of chemicals, including histamine, that trigger a cascade of symptoms that can affect the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal tract, the skin, and/or the cardiovascular system; and

WHEREAS, there is no cure for food allergies, strict avoidance is the only way to prevent an allergic reaction; and

WHEREAS, anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that comes on quickly and has the potential to become life-threatening; and

WHEREAS, managing a food allergy on a daily basis involves constant vigilance and trace amounts of an allergen can trigger an allergic reaction in some individuals; and

WHEREAS, Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Connection Team (FAACT) is a national, nonprofit organization committed to their mission to educate, advocate, and raise awareness for all individuals and families affected by food allergies and life-threatening anaphylaxis; and

NOW, THEREFORE, I, (MAYOR'S/GOVERNOR’S NAME), Mayor of the City/Governor of (CITY/STATE NAME), do hereby proclaim May 12-18, 2024 as Food Allergy Awareness Week in the City/State of (CITY/STATE NAME), and encourage all residents to increase their understanding  and  awareness of this potentially life-threatening medical condition, improving  the quality of life of the 32 million Americans affected by food allergies and anaphylaxis by visiting

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City/State of (CITY NAME, STATE) to be affixed this 12th day of May 2024.



Know the FAACTS

Food Allergy Awareness Activities and Tools:

  • Introduce your students to common food allergens and safety protocols while encouraging empathy for classmates with a food allergy. Share FAACT's Food Allergy Curricula Program for Schools with the teacher-designed PowerPoint presentations, lesson plans, and activities in this free curriculum. 
  • Download and print FAACT's posters to share with family, friends, and school personnel. It’s an easy – and useful – way to share important information about food allergies.
  • Change your Profile and Cover photos on social media to FAACT's Our Teal Way of Life images (see above) for Food Allergy Awareness Week/Month.
  • Raise awareness in your community and send a press release to your local newspaper and/or schedule a radio interview. Not sure where to start? Download FAACT’s 2024 sample press release and personalize it for your community and/or schedule a radio interview.
  • Request a proclamation from your governor or local elected official(s). Arrange for a public signing and/or photo opportunity and share the event with local media (papers, TV, radio, etc.).
  • Print out and distribute FAACT’s Resources Flyer in your community. Encourage local allergist and pediatrician’s office to distribute the flyer to their patients. Encourage school professionals, healthcare professionals, restaurant & food service personnel, family, teens, and friends to distribute the flyer throughout their networks.
  • Use social media to educate your friends and family about food allergies and anaphylaxis. See FAACT’s messages below for each day under “Share the FAACTs”.
  • Post a blog about Food Allergy Awareness Week.
  • Start a food allergy support group! Visit FAACT’s support group development section to get started.

Host a fundraiser. Simple activities you can organize in your community include a:

  • Car wash
  • Local food allergy walk
  • Book sale
  • Raise $1 a day to donate to FAACT to further our education and advocacy efforts

Educate yourself to become a better advocate for yourself and others:

Share the FAACTs!

Share the FAACTs!

A simple statement can be enough to change the way one thinks about food allergies and anaphylaxis. It all starts with education!

Simply copy, paste, and share one fact each day - via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and more! 

Ask family and friends to participate by sharing your posts on their social media pages. Include FAACT’s website after each fact to encourage viewers to learn more:, and include FAACT's Twitter handle @FAACTNews and hashtags #FAACT and #foodallergy.

Day 1

Day One

X (formerly known as Twitter): 

#FoodAllergy is NOT a food intolerance. #FoodAllergies involve the immune system (IgE) & can be life-threatening. #FAAW #FAACT


A #FoodAllergy is NOT the same as a food intolerance. #FoodAllergies involve immune system (IgE) & can be life-threatening.

Visit #FAACT to learn more about food allergies:

#FoodAllergies #Allergy #Allergies #Anaphylaxis #FAAW #FoodAllergyAwarenessWeek #KnowTheFAACTs #ShareTheFAACTs

Download FAAW Day One image.

Day 2

Day Two

X (formerly known as Twitter): 

9 foods account for 90% of all #FoodAllergy reactions: Peanut, Tree Nut, Egg, Soy, Milk, Wheat, Fish, Shellfish, & Sesame. #FAAW #FAACT


Nine foods account for 90% of all #FoodAllergy reactions: Peanut, Tree Nut, Egg, Soy, Milk, Wheat, Fish, Shellfish, & Sesame. However, almost any food can cause a reaction.

To learn more about the #TOP9, visit #FAACT: 

#FoodAllergies #Allergy #Allergies #FAAW #FoodAllergyAwarenessWeek #KnowTheFAACTS #ShareTheFAACTs

Download FAAW Day Two image.

Day 3

Day Three

X (formerly known as Twitter): 

Read #labels each and every time before eating any food product. Ingredients & manufacturing can change! #FAAW #FAACT


Read #labels each and every time before eating any food product! #Ingredients and/or #manufacturing can change over times, or may vary depending upon the size of the product (e.g. jumbo vs snack size).

Visit #FAACT for more information on food labels: 

#FoodAllergy #FoodAllergies #Allergy #Allergies #FoodAllergyAwarenessWeek #FAAW #KnowTheFAACTS #ShareTheFAACTs

Download FAAW Day 3 image.

Day 4

Day Four

X (formerly known as Twitter): 

Hand sanitizing gel is NOT sufficient to remove #allergens. Use warm/hot soapy water or a commercial "tidy" wipe. #FAAW #FAACT


Hand sanitizing gel is NOT sufficient to remove #allergens. Use warm/hot soapy water or a commercial "tidy" wipe.

Visit #FAACT for more tips on preventing #crosscontact: 

#FoodAllergy #FoodAllergies #Allergy #Allergies #FAAW #FoodAllergyAwarenessWeek #KnowTheFAACTs #ShareTheFAACTs

Download FAAW Day 4 image.

Day 5

Day Five

X (formerly known as Twitter):

#Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that comes on quickly and has the potential to become life-threatening! #FAAW #FAACT


#Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that comes on quickly and has the potential to become life-threatening. Anaphylaxis includes a wide range of #signs and #symptoms that can occur alone, or in combination, after exposure to an #allergen.

Visit #FAACT to learn more about anaphylaxis: 

#FoodAllergy #FoodAllergies #Allergy #Allergies #FAAW #FoodAllergyAwarenessWeek #KnowTheFAACTs #ShareTheFAACTs

Download FAAW Day 5 image.

Day 6

Day Six

X (formerly known as Twitter): 

Past reactions to a #foodallergy do not predict future #reactions! You can still have a life-threatening rx to a #food you are #allergic to. #FAAW #FAACT


Past reactions to a #foodallergy do not predict future #reactions. You can still have a life-threatening reaction to a food you are allergic to, even if you have never had a serious reaction before.

Visit #FAACT to learn more: 

#FoodAllergy #FoodAllergies #Allergy #Allergies #Anaphylaxis #FAAW #FoodAllergyAwarenessWeek #KnowTheFAACTs #ShareTheFAACTs

Download FAAW Day 6 image.

Day 7

Day Seven

X (formerly known as Twitter): 

Prompt administration of #epinephrine is crucial to surviving a potentially life-threating #reaction. #FAAW #FAACT


Prompt administration of #epinephrine is crucial to surviving a potentially life-threatening #reaction. Always carry two (2) auto-injectable epinephrine devices with you, and know how to recognize the #signs and #symptoms of an #allergic reaction.

Visit #FAACT to learn more: 

#FoodAllergy #FoodAllergies #Allergy #Allergies #FAAW #FoodAllergyAwarenessWeek #KnowTheFAACTs #ShareTheFAACTs

Download FAAW Day 7 image.


Extra Posts and Tweets

X (formerly known as Twitter): 

Eating away from home can significantly increase #risk 4 individuals w/#foodallergies. Learn how to reduce your risk when #diningout. #FAACT


Eating away from home can significantly increase risk for individuals with food allergies. Learn how to reduce your risk when dining out.

Visit #FAACT to learn more:

#foodallergy #allergy #diningout #anaphylaxis #FAAW #FoodAllergyAwarenessWeek

Download FAACT and MenuTrinfo image.


X (formerly known as Twitter): 

#FAACT & @MenuTrinfo Partner on #FoodService Training to meet the growing need for #foodallergy and #glutenfree training within the food service industry.
#FAAW #foodallergies #diningout #foodservicetraining #restaurant #hotel #foodsafety #college 

#DiningOut This #Weekend?

Share #MenuTrinfo's AllerTrain suite of courses with the #college, #restaurant, or #food establishment your visiting - which is #ANSI-accredited. #FAACT is proud to partner with MenuTrinfo to meet the growing need for #foodallergy and #glutenfree training within the food service industry.

Visit our website to learn more: 

#FAAW #AllerTrain #foodallergies #allergy #allergies #anaphylaxis #education #advocacy #allergens #awareness #allergyawareness #foodallergyawareness #outreach #community #support #dining #FoodAllergyAwarenessWeek #ShareTheFAACTs #KnowTheFAACTs

FAACT's Food Allergy Curricula Program for Schools

How Can Schools and Communities Get Involved?

Educate school personnel with our FREE 'FAACTs for Schools' Staff Education Program. 'FAACTs for Schools' contains an overview of food allergies including current best practices based on the Centers for Disease Control’s “Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools”. With a pretest, post evaluation and complete talking points, this presentation can be used by parents or educators to educate school personnel nationwide.

Share a reminder each day during morning announcements (grade appropriate).  Examples:

  • Always wash hands.

  • Don’t share food.

  • Get help if a food allergic friend feels sick.

  • Set up food allergy educational stations throughout schools and in office buildings.

  • Teachers can read food allergy books to their students, or have the class participate in an activity.

  • Librarians can read and have available food allergy related books to check out.

  • Download and print National Education Association's FREE 'Food Allergy Book: What School Employees Need to Know' in English and Spanish to share among educators within your school and/or district.

Train Your School Staff with the Following Tools:



Does your child attend a private school? Ask your school principal if they would participate in FAACT's Out of Uniform Day for Food Allergy Awareness where each student brings in $1 to be "out of uniform" for the day.

For any public or private school, ask your school principal if the students can wear "teal" during Food Allergy Awareness Week, and each student can donate $1 to help raise awareness for food allergies and anaphylaxis. 

All proceeds can be donated to FAACT to further enhance our education programs. These are easy and fun ways to create food allergy awareness throughout the month of May...and year-round!

Download FAACT's Out of Uniform Day image.



You can help make change for people living with food allergies through CHANGE FOR FAACT! It’s simple. Get your class or entire school to sponsor a CHANGE FOR FAACT coin drive, ask local restaurants and other businesses to place a jar up front, or canvass your neighborhood. While collecting coins, you can help spread awareness about food allergies. Just collecting your loose change at the end of the day will make a big difference! All donations will directly support FAACT’s education and advocacy programs.

Want to Join CHANGE for FAACT? Here’s what to do…

1.  Set up an empty jar to collect loose change in a central place in your house and notify family members that you are collecting CHANGE FOR FAACT during the month of May. Ask them to participate by emptying loose change into the jar each day. At the end of the month, count the collected change and write a check payable to FAACT for that amount.  You can also visit our website to make your donation. Don’t forget to take pictures of your change jar! Send them to, and we will post them on FAACT's Facebook page.

2.  Ask your classmates or school to participate in CHANGE FOR FAACTDownload free posters listed below under Additional Resources along with the 10 FAACTs about Food Allergies Poster and distribute them to teachers and classmates. Ask students to bring in spare change during the entire month of May. At the end of the month, collect all the change and write a check payable to FAACT for that amount. You can also visit our Web site to make your donation.

3. Print FAACT's 10 FAACTs about Food Allergies Poster, and take them with you on a walk around your neighborhood. Ask neighbors for loose change and spread the word about food allergies. Visit local restaurants and other businesses and ask them to put a donation jar at the cash register. At the end of May, count your collected change and write a check payable to FAACT for that amount. You can also visit our website to make your donation. 

Download Change for FAACT image.

Additional resources:
Print FAACT's "Newly Diagnosed with Food Allergies" Poster
Print FAACT's "Preventing Cross-Contact" Poster




Thanks for being a part of Food Allergy Awareness Month!